Read this: It's funny. It's a take-off on a quote by George Bush, who said when he was in bed, Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss sometimes pops into his thoughts, which I'm sure really twisted people would have a ball with. Me? I just like the poem.
Went to a wedding over the weekend. It was fun, wild, strange.
The award for the most creative outfit goes to a guy who had a shiny shirt on that turned colors in the light. I'll post it when I get my pictures back. It reminded me of some stickers I collected when I was a kid.
The oddest move goes to my friend, who decided her white bra might be seen if it slipped out of her black dress. So she took a magic marker and colored it black. No kidding! When I told her they sell those things at the store - in all colors - she said simply, but this is comfortable. Enough said.
The funniest blunder (which for once was not me) came from a friend who was talking about the groom's dad, who officiated at the wedding and happened to be my friend's grade school teacher.
She said, We were really afraid of him when we were really little, but then we all started to like him because he jumped the girls at recess. She meant he swung them around, but in the midst of a Catholic scandal, it did not sound good.
The saddest moment came from the soloist, who was so nervous she could not sing The Rose (and no it's not sad because she was singing The Rose).
I always thought it would be funny if someone at a wedding planned on writing his own vows, but instead quoted a really cheesy song or poem, with all the sincerity he could muster. You know:
Honey, You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are gray.... Of couse I don't think I'd be too happy if it were my wedding. So there you go.
Every time I am forced to put my luggage down, sit by security, and take off my shoes at the airport, I curse Richard Reid.
Damn you shoe bomber! as I struggle with my laces.
&*^*&%&*^!! as I nearly trip while balancing on one foot. I imagine it's not a great job for the security people either. There have to be some stinky feet going through metal detectors somewhere. I wonder if they pick people to search based on whether they look like they have smelly feet. This time I was checked at the security post and at the gate, apparently just in case I slipped something into my shoe in the airport bathroom.